
Friday 24 January 2014


Tips on getting the perfect smokey eye:

Hey my fellow readers,

I promised a blog post every week and here it is. This time I will be giving my tips on how to get the  perfect smokey eye us girls all chase after.

Today I have created a blue smokey eye that is just perfect for partying.

For this look I have used a bright blue eye shadow with silver sparkles and this went in the outer third of the eye. The second shade I used is a glittery white shadow and this was applied to the rest for the lid.

When working with glittery shadow its important to pat the eye shadow on the lid. The best way to do this is to use the best makeup tools you are born with.... your Fingers! This packs on the most product, making your look more intense, as well as reducing fall out.

The key to creating any smokey eye is to BLEND......... and then BLEND SOME MORE.

I know that blending out eye shadow is  tedious and requires a lot of patience but this step is important if you want to avoid looking like this ............

This look is not flattering on many people..  anyone.....
Another important tip for a perfect smokey eye is to invest in good blending brush. This will make your life a lot easier when doing this type of look because this brush will add the "smokey effect" to the smokey eye.

To Blend out eye shadow, place a clean or brush with very little eye shadow, on the socket of your eye. Move the brush back and forth along the socket until the desired affect is created. Imagine the motion of a car windscreen wiper while blending because that's the motion you want to follow.

Sigma tapered blending brush

Now that you have the blending technique down, you are about 90% of the way there. To make blending a lot easier make sure you only work with a small amount of eye shadow at a time. To intensify colors, just keep adding adding eye shadow and..... keep blending. I know its tempting to use a lot of eye shadow and try to blend everything out all at once to "save time" but trust me when I say that, this does the exact opposite. (I learned this the hard way).

The last step of doing a smokey eye to bring the shadow under the bottom lashes and (guess the word I am going to say here).......... yes BLEND. Apply mascara, eyeliner and false lashes as normal and you are done.

As you can see by now doing smokey eye is not for the fainthearted, but the most important thing is you give it ago. Like anything, makeup techniques take time. As with anything PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT.

Until next time, keep on blending


Images : blending brush

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